Application Security, Cloud

AWS WAF – Web Application Firewall

Introduction AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications or APIs against common web exploits by monitoring and filtering the HTTP and HTTPS requests that reach your application. It allows you to create rules to block, allow, or monitor (count) web requests based on conditions that you define. AWS WAF is...

by Abhishek Arora
Tag: Grails Security

Application Security, MEAN

Implementing Role based Access Control in NestJS

NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. A prerequisite for this article is a basic understanding of NestJS. If you have worked on Node.js web applications and want to implement applications using object-based programming, such as Java, NestJS is good to go. The...

by harshit.wadhwa
Tag: Grails Security


PHP 8 Unleashed: A Deep Dive into Enhanced Features

Introduction: PHP, a server-side scripting language powering a vast majority of websites, has taken a giant leap forward with the release of PHP 8. Packed with innovative features and improvements, PHP 8 promises to revolutionize the way developers build web applications. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the enhanced...

by yogesh.singh
Tag: Grails Security


WordPress Security: Protecting your website from online threats

WordPress, a widely used content management system (CMS), is a prime target for hackers and malicious entities due to its popularity. To ensure the security of your website and sensitive data, it is vital to grasp and implement robust protective measures. In this article, we will delve into fundamental steps for fortifying your WordPress...

by Satya Prakash
Tag: Grails Security

Application Security, Manual Testing

The Crucial Role of Security Testing in Contemporary Software Development

In the present era of hyper-connected digital environments, where technology continuously evolves, security testing has emerged as an indispensable element of software development. With individuals and businesses increasingly relying on software applications for various purposes, the imperative to shield sensitive data and systems from...

by ravi.gupta
Tag: Grails Security


Best Practices for Ensuring Drupal Website Security

Introduction When it comes to building and maintaining websites, security is of utmost importance. Drupal, being a popular and robust content management system, requires careful attention to security measures. In this blog post, we will discuss the best practices for ensuring the security of your Drupal website....

by vinni.kadyan
Tag: Grails Security

AngularJS, Front End Development

Security measures for Angular Application

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building SPA (Single page applications). It is known for its strong performance, flexibility, and ease of use. However, like any other web application, Angular applications are also vulnerable to security attacks. In this blog post, we will discuss some best practices for securing your...

by kashif.khan
Tag: Grails Security


Jenkins Security Management

In this blog, We will learn how to secure Jenkins. One can manage security levels in the Jenkins environment and project security through "Configure Global Security." Securing Jenkins defines who is allowed to access/use the system. Jenkins provides 5 types of authorization. Anyone can do anything- This is the least secure setup...

by prashant.kumar6
Tag: Grails Security

Drupal, Software development

Why Choose Drupal Over Other CMSs?

Why Drupal? A primary question that comes to our mind before stepping ahead for development is how to choose the best suited CMS for the website from a variety of available CMS? Now, it depends on the requirements, if the website is a blog related website, you will definitely think of WordPress and if the website is E-commerce...

by Harsh Behl
Tag: Grails Security

Application Security, Technology

What Lies Ahead of Web Attacks in 2017?

Being in the middle of the second quarter of 2017, we can already find a number of reports regarding web attacks, also known as cyber-attacks or cyber threats. Due to a constant rate of increase of reports regarding web attacks, it is essential for people all over the world to be aware of the imminent attacks or threats. From the loss of...

by Naman Goel
Tag: Grails Security

Application Security, Product Engineering

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Blog Series I Blog 1: Overview, Vulnerabilities and Types of Attacks

Have you witnessed a scenario where a trusted site gets injected with a malicious script attack? Well, commonly people refer this as a "'Cross Site Scripting' attack. The XSS scripts injected into a site can leak out sensitive data and information including cookies, session tokens, and auth tokens. The vulnerability of the XSS attack is...

by Arushi Shukla
Tag: Grails Security

AWS, DevOps

Jenkins Google Authentication

In Jenkins by default user authentication is not enabled but we can establish the user authentication from the Global Security section. We have to create users for team members and it maintains all user in its own database. But we can also configure Jenkins with Google oAuth. So, if you are leveraging Google services and already have...

by Rajdeep Singh
Tag: Grails Security